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Specialties & Procedures

There is NO surgeon that does it all!! Every surgeon has his or her own specialty and we from Calibelleza only work with the best specialists in their field.

Including  other (non-)cosmetic specialties like; ophthalmology, dentistry and vaginal rejuvenation.

Please read our blog on different specialties we offer. Our blog comes in 3 diferent languages, but the headlines will show in what language the post is going to be. Feel free to comment and share!




We don't manage standard 'fixed prices' , if you would like to receive a price quote then please start a virtual consult.

More information about virtual consults are found on the FAQ page.-

No manejamos precios "fijos" ", si usted desea saber el precio, por favor, inicia una consulta virtual.

Más información acerca de las consultas virtuales se encuentran en la página de preguntas frecuentes. -

Wij hanteren geen"vaste" standaard prijzen.Wilt u een offerte dan kunt u een virtueel consult starten.

Meer informatie over virtuele consulten zijn te vinden op de "veel gestelde vragen" pagina. -

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